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Visual facilitation, supporting processes with visual tools

Visual facilitation is leading or guiding meetings in a visual way. Various visual tools and techniques can be used to support communication and collaboration.

Visual facilitation, in what context?

Visual facilitation is of value in very different contexts and circumstances. The specific circumstances determine which visual techniques are most appropriate. The goal is always to increase understanding, promote collaboration and facilitate effective communication.

Brainstorming and idea generation:
Guiding brainstorming sessions with techniques such as concept mapping, storyboarding and visual metaphors. This encourages participants to explore, connect and collaborate on ideas.

Meetings and workshops:
Present complex ideas more accessibly with visual aids such as pre-made visualizations, live visual reporting, illustrations and mind maps. This promotes understanding, creative thinking and shared understanding between participants.

Strategic planning and problem solving:
Supporting strategic planning and problem solving with visual tools such as SWOT analysis, cause-and-effect diagrams and visual timelines. This helps analyze information, identify patterns and develop effective strategies.

Cross-functional collaboration:
Bridge communication between teams with visual tools. Illustrating processes, goals and dependencies enables more effective communication and alignment toward a common goal.

Change management:
Make change management initiatives more effective with visual representations of vision statements, roadmaps and progress charts. This increases understanding, helps track progress and promotes acceptance of change.

Presentations and public speaking:
Make presentations more engaging and memorable with visual elements such as storytelling, imagery and interactive graphics. This facilitates effective message delivery and attracts audience attention.

Training and education:
Improve learning and memorization with visual tools such as illustrations, infographics and multimedia. This clarifies complex topics, simplifies explanations and increases engagement.

Depending on your request, INKSIGHT will work with you to design appropriate guidance and visual work formats.

Visual facilitation-solution-oriented, hopeful & positive

What if, instead of analyzing the problem, you shifted your focus to exploring the solution? Solution-focused dialogues offer a new perspective that empowers individuals and organizations to build solutions instead of dwelling on problems.It may seem counterintuitive, but this approach is proven effective.

The methodical basis at INKSIGHT is solution-focused work.
We work trusting the problem-solving abilities of those present and holding out hope that change is possible.  Basic principles such as "Do more of what works," "Nothing is always just negative," and "People themselves create present and future" guide the methodology.
The future-oriented and goal-oriented interview technique of this method helps you "build solutions." From exploring the desired future and identifying the qualities already present, you work step by step toward where you want to be.  The dialogues are driven by questions that promote deep reflection and critical thinking. By placing your mind in a specific context and using detailed questions, you can imagine yourself in that moment and open the doors to creative problem solving.

About the visual facilitator

The visual dialogues are facilitated while drawing by Maaike Borsboom <hyperlink about us>.  She has a background as a manager and project leader in the social domain, supplemented with knowledge and experience as a mediator in (group) conflicts. While you talk and think, Maaike draws along, asks questions and challenges you to create clarity.

Depending on the assignment, INKSIGHT can complement the team, of course in consultation, with other areas of expertise. Sometimes it is nice to have a colleague visual facilitator or visual reporter with you. And there are times when experience and knowledge in other fields is needed, such as a systemic coach, anthropologist, psychologist, copywriter or graphic designer.